OpenCities Map CONNECT Edition Help

Defining a View

A database view is the product of a stored query resulting in a virtual table. In order to be discoverable by the Geospatial Administrator, the view must have a primary key column named PKID. The column name PGID can also be used. This may require you to re-map the source table primary key from PK to PKID in the view definition.

If you choose to use a custom view PK column name other than PKID or PGID, define the following environment variable: ESCDK_VIEW_ID_COLUMN_LIST.

For example:

In PGAdmin create a view over an existing spatial table. Rename the PK column to a custom name. Then define this environment variable before running Map or the Geospatial Administrator:

set ECSDK_VIEW_ID_COLUMN_LIST=name1^|name2^|...^|nameX

Where name# is the column name.

If PGAdmin requires quotes around column name, be sure to include them.